How Economists Forgot the Real World

Jan 30, 2025 at 16:00 — 17:30 (GMT)

Bath-based, Schumacher Institute Fellow, Nat Dyer, published his first book 'Ricardo's Dream: How Economists Forgot the Real World and Led Us Astray' in November 2024. The Bristol University Press book has received glowing reviews and been mentioned in The Guardian, The Financial Times, Alternatives Économique, and Mint Magazine among other places. Join for a live discussion and talk on themes ranging from the origins of economics in the London Stock Exchange of the early 1800s to the Trump turn away from 'free trade' in the 2020s. They'll be a chance to ask questions about economics and climate, finance, and anti-monopoly policy, and - for budding authors - the publication process itself.

Find out more about Nat at or on Bluesky or X @natjdyer.

This event will be held ONLINE and the Zoom link will be sent once registered. 

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