The King Stinks

Mar 5, 2023 at 15:00 — 16:30 (EST)
Organiser: Infinithéâtre

Written by Jon Lachlan Stewart
Directed by Olivier Morin
Starring Jon Lachlan Stewart and Clara Prévost
Produced by Surreal soReal Theatre
Presented by Infinithéâtre in partnership with Casteliers

Our last president was a real stinker. But Victor Dowager will blow away those past failures like dried crap in the wind! Social justice! Environmental consciousness! The United Province of Peoples will be a leading country for change. And most importantly, we will resolve the civil unrest from the Hun province within the UPP. But something isn’t right. When Victor became president… He began to stink. The air is thick. Bodies are falling. But democracy must drive forward.

*Please note The King Stinks contains a strobe lighting effect, as well as strong language, sexual themes, and cartoon violence, which may not be suitable for all viewers.

*LIMITED ACCESSIBILITY. Unfortunately, the Rialto Theatre is not wheelchair accessible. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact

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