Mayflower 400 Breakwater Swim
Sep 27, 2020 at 07:00 — 11:00 (BST)
Organiser: The Chestnut Appeal for Men's Health
The Mayflower 400 Breakwater Swim.
The Chestnut Appeal Breakwater Swim has been rescheduled to take place on Sunday 27th September with a swim time of 08.30. Registration takes place on the Historic Barbican before swimmers are taken out by boat from Commercial Wharf to the Breakwater. When the safety team, are in place the swim commences and some 40 minutes to two hours later you will arrive on shore at Tinside Beach to warm applause and Hot soup. The swim is 4km in distance and we ask that all those taking part have experience of open water swimming and should be able to complete around 160 lengths of a 25m pool. Event Water Safety will provide the craft and expert cover for the event.
Registration for the Mayflower 400 Breakwater Swim is £55 and will include a commemorative T shirt.
The 2020 Breakwater swim is covered by Event Protect event cancellation ‘the benefits of Event Protect are part of the fees paid at registration’.
Your entry fee covers the cost of organising the event. It's the money you raise that helps Prostate Cancer patients and their families, so we ask all our Breakwater Swimmers set themselves a Sponsorship target of at least £75.
your Breakwater Swim entry covers
- Full water safety cover
- Breakwater swim cap
- A medal and commemorative T Shirt
- post swim soup
The Mayflower 400 Breakwater Swim is our main fundraiser of the year .
The Breakwater swim to date has raised over £200,000 for the Chestnut Appeal for Men’s Health.
For more information please contact David on 01752 792736 or email on
The 2020 Breakwater Swim has been kindly sponsored by CityBus
Mayflower 400 is a year-long commemoration marking the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower’s pioneering voyage. Telling the story of a ship and its passengers - a group of people that a remarkable 30 million+ US citizens have descended from. It will include a creative, inspiring and unforgettable series of events - from breathtaking, once-in-a-lifetime festivals to grand, thought-provoking artistic installations and a vast network of community events.