Safeguarding Children Course (Full Accreditation)

Jan 31, 2019 at 10:00 — 13:00 (GMT)


Safeguarding Children Course is designed to provide your employees with essential knowledge about their role and responsibilities when safeguarding children and young people. This 3-hour course has been developed in line with the competency requirements as set out in “Safeguarding Children and Young people: roles and competencies of health care staff” (Intercollegiate Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health 2014) and complies with National Occupational Standard SCDHSC0034 Promote the safeguarding of children and young people. Candidates will learn about different forms of child maltreatment and abuse; actions to take upon developing a concern with regards to child maltreatment/ abuse; the importance of sharing information; online and social networking risks; actions to take if concerns are not being taken seriously; signs to help identify child maltreatment/ abuse etc. The course enables your employees to become fully aware of the Duty of Candour. It teaches them to practice within a culture of openness and transparency and to understand their individual responsibilities in relation to the duty of candour.



  • This course is delivered in line with the Gloucestershire County Council Safeguarding Policies and Procedures.

The session develops learners knowledge, understanding and skills in the following areas:

  • Child maltreatment in its different forms

  • Relevance of parental, family and carer factors such as domestic abuse, mental and physical ill-health, substance and alcohol misuse

  • What to do if there are concerns about child maltreatment

  • Importance of sharing information

  • What to do if concerns are not being taken seriously

  • Risks associated with the internet and online social networking

  • What the term ‘Looked after child’ means

  • Recognise possible signs of child maltreatment

  • How to seek appropriate advice and report concerns



Level 1

Upon successful completion of the session questionnaire.

The objectives of the qualification include supporting a role in the workplace and giving learners personal growth and engagement in learning.



  • Child maltreatment in its different forms (physical including Fabricated and induced illness, emotional and sexual abuse, and neglect) including child trafficking, FGM and radicalisation including prevalence and impact

  • The relevance of parental, family and carer factors such as domestic abuse, mental and physical ill-health, substance and alcohol misuse

  • What to do if there are concerns about child maltreatment, including local policies and procedures around who to contact, where to obtain further advice and support, and have awareness of the referral process

  • The importance of sharing information (including the consequences of failing to do so)

  • What to do if concerns are not being taken seriously or any other barriers to referring a child/family

  • Risks associated with the internet and online social networking

  • What the term ‘Looked after child’ means

  • Ability to recognise possible signs of child maltreatment relating to the healthcare workers role

  • Ability to seek appropriate advice and report concerns, and feel confident that concerns have been listened to



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