Jumping Rivers Interactive Graphics with Shiny and Automated Reporting- OPEN EVENT - Leeds

Dec 31, 2018 at 09:00 — 17:00 (GMT)

***This event is open and does not have an assigned date or time.You are still able to purchase a ticket and you will not be charged until the dates and times are confirmed. We will keep you updated with further information ***

We will be charging £750pp +VAT for this event

This is a two day intensive course on the the R package Shiny. The course will be a mixture of lectures and computer practicals. Shiny allows you do create cutting edge, interactive web-graphics. Regardless of your background, Shiny will enable you to present your data in new and innovative ways.

Partipants should have completed the Automated reporting R course (or have similar knowledge), which covers the fundamentals of markdown and knitr.


  • Widgets: HTML widgets
  • Introduction to Shiny and html: Introduciton to the server and ui files
  • Reactive programming: Creating dynamic graphics.
  • Rmarkdown Creating documents using Markdown
  • knitr Running dynamic R code
  • Building and deploying apps Via the web and dropbox
  • Automate Automate documents and apps
  • Latex A brief introduction to latex for additional styling


If you are interested in this two day intensive course you can also contact us directly for information about how you can study at our offices for a lower price.

For more information please go to our website at Jumpingrivers.com

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Unfortunately tickets are no longer available for this event.