Event Page Design Tips
Your event’s website - specifically the landing page/homepage - is the most critical tool for converting event awareness into converted event attendees. The design of your pages should help achieve this goal with a clear identity and message, an organized information hierarchy and stunning visual imagery.

Your event’s website – specifically the landing page/homepage – is the most critical tool for converting event awareness into converted event attendees. Your pages’ design should help achieve this goal with a clear identity and message, and organized information hierarchy and stunning visual imagery. The following tips can help you maximize your event page’s effectiveness using the Helm Tickets event widget. 

Brand Identity 

Your events landing page (homepage) should embody your brand by showing your brand’s unique identity. The most effective event ticket pages express this identity with both visual and verbal aspects. By pairing typefaces with simple and clear layouts that help close a sale with a natural registration process, you create a hierarchy. A design hierarchy is a design that guides a user along a specific path towards a single goal.  

Having a good visual hierarchy arranges content into whatever you want the viewer to see first, second, third, etc. You can do this with powerful imagery, contrasting colors, or even each element’s relative size on a page. Verbal hierarchies work similarly in that you can funnel your information available towards the desired outcome. For example, you could present your essential information first, such as event name, date/time/location, and cost, then follow on with further engaging event details such as any speakers, activities or logistics. 

Ensuring a good usability level is essential when putting together all of these elements on your event ticket page. Be flexible with your layouts and make sure your site loads quickly and is easy to use, especially mobile. Whilst design is important; it shouldn’t lose any usability. 

Brand Message 

An events ticketing page messaging works alongside its information hierarchy. Attendees are increasingly searching for greater levels of interactivity, entertainment, and engagement. By creating an effective event page messaging, you should support a user-defined experience based on trust, which is a key factor in building return and new attendees. 

Your page’s design is essential when you look to develop trust levels between your attendees and the whole event experience. Defining what that experience is with a combination of visual cues and descriptive text can help define what your brand message is.  

Keeping your brand message consistent throughout the experience, from buying a ticket to the event itself, is immensely important. It will help fuel future purchases with a clear message when being referred by word of mouth or social media, as well as then hopefully leading to a more significant conversion rate. 

Consistent messaging creates a level of interest by focusing on the event’s brand promise (an incredible experience), which can feed word-of-mouth advertising (social proof, recommendations) and increase conversions (registration, ticket purchases). Delivering on that promise converts attendees into advocates for your brand, developing future engagement and reinforcing the brand, particularly for recurring events. 

Brand Colors 

Event ticket pages seek to spark meaningful, tangible, and comprehensive event experiences. They should depend on a palette of three to five emotionally associated colors. Shades of crimson, navy blue, bright gold, deep orange, vivid magenta, or (more frequently) royal or ultraviolet purple are still commanding palettes both in print and on-screen. 

Vibrant colors provoke an intense experience, but colors associated with specific emotions (cool for precision or tradition, warm for innovation, neon for excitement) can also emphasize that experience. Contrasting colors for body copy, like black text on a white background, make it easy for potential attendees to skim, read and get a quick feel for your event without having to struggle to find information. 

Brand Type/Fonts 

Most educational event ticket pages use copy that’s understandable regardless of its surrounding (literal or figurative) noise. Simple typography and iconography allow convenient navigation, and consistently applied type supports the brand’s visual signals in any environment. On-screen that means it needs to be highly functional – mostly sans-serif font sets for subheads, body copy, and buttons – followed by heavier display typefaces or even hand-lettered type for headlines. 

As for copy in general, using fewer words (but correct words) is still the practice. Properly layered typography (progressively darkening color shades or descending weights for headers, subheads, body copy, etc.) will contrast well for more important content like detailed programme descriptions or guest speaker information. 

Brand Images 

Captivating brand imagery will strengthen any event tickets page’s brand, message, and call to action. Professional photography fairly dominates a significant amount of large conferences, concerts, and festival pages—but many events of varying sizes may also use interchangeable imagery. These illustrations or icons may arise throughout the site, either as a latent wallpaper or overtly associated with particular event features or actions. 

Several brands are dialling back their aesthetic imagery for banners or other hero-level imagery in favor of more dynamic and engaging content (social media walls or video reels). Visually, that means simpler logos with fewer colors (if not completely all-one color) and subtler placement are becoming key. This is the most common occurrence of white logos (or text or icons) overlaying wildly colorful imagery or video. 

Whether your event ticket page uses photography or illustration, it’s always best to hire a professional. This will help you stand out from thousands of amateur Facebook banners or badly lit photographs of surprised or unprepared people. Creative professionals can always make the most of less-than-ideal conditions, so your next events imagery can be more engaging and shareable! 

Keeping track of the latest and most valuable event ticket page trends and designs isn’t always at the forefront of many event professionals’ minds when they’re busy with the event’s logistics. Your event ticket page may not even be the first point of contact for any potential attendees. Still, it should 100% be the most informative and have a clear narrative leading to your desired outcome regardless of where they came from (a social or email link). 

Perceptive event professionals know the best events where attendees participate in an engaging experience before attending the event. Successful event professionals understand how critically important their event ticket page is as a component to reach those conversion goals. 

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