How To Create An Effective Event Listing
There are new event pages going up daily on Helm Tickets, and there are always even more people looking for events to go to. So what makes certain event listings and pages more successful than others?

New event pages are going up daily on Helm Tickets, and there are always even more people looking for events to go to. So what makes certain event listings and pages more successful than others? 

There are a few factors that make a great event listing.  So whether you’re going to embed your listing on your own site or link directly to ours, discover how to make the most of your event listing here! 

The Event Name

The most successful events have short, engaging titles that describe exactly what your event is and why it’s different from the rest. The most effective titles make an instant impression, are simple to remember and look great on any promotional materials. 

Your title doesn’t need to explain everything about your event, just enough to catch potential attendees’ attention so they’ll want to learn more about your event. If you have a person of interest attending the event or the organiser, are the person of interest, make sure any notable names are included in the event title. 

The Event Location

When people are looking for events, they often search by location. They may be looking for something close to home or something further away during a trip. Your short and engaging event title will appear where the potential attendees are searching by providing the exact location. 

Having this exact event location means anyone who’s already attending your event is also more likely to share with people around them to help spread the word. 

Event SEO

Making your event listing SEO friendly means it’s easier for search engines like Google to find your event, which is incredibly important. A good chunk of SEO is based on having relevant keywords in your event title and on your event page. When creating your event title, it’s important to think about making it short and sweet and including a keyword or two in the title that could be used to search for your event. 

Then it’s time to look at creating your event description. Take a quick looking into the types of people you want to attend your event. Build up some keywords and phrases that you think they’d search for to find your event. These will be the keywords and phrases that you’ll want to include in your description.  SEO can be as simple as that! 

The Event Details

Writing out all the small event details may not be the most interesting part of creating your event, but your audience will appreciate it.  Make sure that your event description tells any potential attendees everything they need to know about your event. 

This could include: 

  • FAQs 
  • What’s allowed/not allowed 
  • Line up 
  • Recaps from a previous event 
  • Transportation options 
  • Any other information you might think will help convince your audience to buy a ticket. 

Make sure your pricing and tickets types are clear, and it’s easy to understand what’s included with each ticket. For example, if you have a VIP package that includes free food and drink, make sure you let the potential attendee know that’s what’s included. 

All this has many benefits: as well as helping your SEO, it’ll also help to answer any questions people have before they buy their tickets. Picture yourself as the attendee: if you couldn’t find the information you needed before buying a ticket, how likely would you buy that ticket? 

Be Organised

No one likes having to read through lots of text to try and find the information they’re looking for. Use headers to help organise your event information and break up large text bodies with sections of broken down information. This makes it super easy for your audience to find exactly what they’re looking for. If you have a schedule for the day or a line up playing at different times, break it down using bullet points. Simple changes like this make it much easier for potential attendees to find what they need. 

The quicker they find the information they’re looking for, the quicker they’ll start buying tickets to your event. 

The All-Important Images

Your event images are arguably one of the most important features of your event page. It’s the best way to attract people to your page. It’ll be used when sharing your page and listing on social media and is one of your most important tools to help you sell more tickets. 

Upload the logo of your event, business or organisation. Choose other images that are unique to your event (such as images from previous events) and images that reflect your event’s feel. By uploading lots of great images, you’re giving your audience an insight into your event before attending. Make sure you keep these images as professional as possible. This can help you sell more tickets and encourages people to share your event on their own social media profiles. 

Combining Text, Images and Video For Success

The most successful event listings and pages include engaging text, compelling images and sometimes even video content embedded into the event description. Choose images and videos that add meaning and depth to your event, so your audience can learn more about your event through your visual content. If you’ve held this event or a similar event in the past, including images and videos that provide show how it went. If you have people of interest attending, performing or speaking at your event, consider including images of them (as long as you have their consent).  Having visual media like this in your event listing is far more engaging for your audience and will help convert them to attendees.  

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