Environmentally Friendly Event Management
Eco-awareness has boomed in the last few years. With the catastrophic levels of plastic pollution and greenhouses gasses, businesses of all levels, from small startups to huge corporations, are now taking it upon themselves to be more eco-conscious in how they direct business and events.

Environmentally Friendly Event Management

Eco-awareness has boomed in the last few years. With the catastrophic levels of plastic pollution and greenhouses gasses, businesses of all levels, from small startups to huge corporations, are now taking it upon themselves to be more eco-conscious in how they direct business and events. Environmentally friendly consumers appreciate when businesses go the extra mile to help save the environment. 

Events provide the perfect opportunity to showcase how your business participates in the rising wave of the environmentally aware. Here are a few top tips in planning your event to be more eco-friendly: 


One of the best ways to show your potential attendees you are planning an eco-friendly event is hosting it in an eco-friendly venue. By using these alternatives, they are compliant in reducing fossil fuels and decreasing environmental damage. Some venues offer Biomass Boilers, thermal insulation, natural ventilation and gathering rainwater.The EU’s Future Cities project is an initiative to help promote livable and climate-proof cities. An example beingCambridge Living Future Community Eco-Village, built with the purpose of sustainability. An increasing number of venues and buildings are adapting to reduce future environmental harm and deal with climate change. 


Creating a clear and simple recycling scheme is a great way to encourage your attendees to take the green option. Making it as easy and accessible as possible by having multiple recycling bins listing what can and can’t be recycled reiterates your green policy to your attendees.  An increasing number of events like Boardmasters Festivalin Cornwall are taking on a ‘Green Team’ to aid in keeping the festival as clean and green as possible! 


Paper is often used at events because it is cheap and easy to dispose of. However, paper waste accounts for a significant amount of wastage at events, and in the modern world, it’s increasingly unnecessary.If you have the opportunity, make tablets available during your event with all the details needed about the event. Use them to replace sign-in sheets or email marketing sheets. Alternatively, prior to the event inform guests about event details by sharing attachments for attendees to access on mobile or tablet.Send tickets digitally so they are accessible via mobile and use QR codes to avoid printing off tickets.  


If you plan to supply attendees with food and drink during the event, consider using biodegradable and recyclable packaging. It will make a huge impact on the volume of waste produced during the event. Deposit schemes for reusable cups are another great way to reduce waste as attendees are more likely to return them at the end of the event instead of just disposing of them.Over-catering is also another huge issue when it comes to arranging events. It is estimated that around ⅓  of all food waste produced or lost comes from the global events industry. Food into landfill is a major cause of landfill methane emissions and is a global greenhouse gas contributor.Estimate the volume of food required by considering the number of attendees, the type of event, and the timetable of activities and always double-check dietary requirements before the event. That way, you should be able to limit the amount of food wastage during the event. 


Reward your attendees for their green efforts! Offer a car-sharing scheme, offer priority to those using e-tickets for parking and entrance to the event. You can always offer discounted tickets to the event or to the next event to those attendees who have used QR codes, for example, or another green initiative. And finally, offering prize draws and free ticket prizes can always incentivise attendees to go green! It is unnecessary to take on every one of these green initiatives; however, if more events take on just one of these ideas, it will help the events industry reduce its impact on the environment and provide another incentive for your guests to attend your event! 

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